Monday, February 22, 2010

Online vs Face to Face

With all of us getting ready to build our own online communities I thought a few helpful hints might be beneficial. As I was looking for important ideas to consider when building a learning community I came across this site and pulled a few ideas from it.
Hope you find it helpful!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

In search of help for the final project?

I was looking online for a little help fine tuning my thoughts for the final project and came across this website. When it opened up I found myself searching and investigating all kinds of links, posts, blogs, etc. You have to be careful and make a solid attempt at staying on track, but what a nice tool for your classroom and for you as a professional. the way...the website popped up when I googled 'teacher online community help'. Seemed like a good idea to me : ) Have fun searching!!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Leadership Article,%20Good%20or%20Bad.htm

The above link is for an article that discusses leadership and the importance of recognizing whether it is good or bad. In our PLC readings Martin-Kniep discusses the importance of leadership. We all probably have experienced good leaders and bad, and we as leaders and support staff need to be able to recognize the difference so we can make a change if necessary.

A group will only go as far as their leadership takes them...that is unless another leader takes the reigns.

How to...PLC style

The following article is a great "How to" for educators who have never experienced working in a Professional Learning Community. I really like that not only did the article mention how to effectively work in a PLC, but the significance of them. This article also gives a sense of motivation to new PLC'ers by discussing the positive effects of this new idea. Enjoy!


The resource I would like to introduce can be used by even those who struggle with the simplest technology. Set up is extremely simple and after the initial set up your work is pretty much done. What this resource will provide you is a way to create online lessons or to give up to 15 websites for a particular class that you would like your students to have access to. I use it with my designer fitness class and it works out great. If you want to look at mine the track # is 322087.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What are we all doing here???

If you are looking for a way to stay close to people such as James Butikofer, David Eaton, or Michael Pribaz the technology cohort is the place for you! For the low low price of $15,000 this can alllll be yours!! Spots are going fast so sign up before it's too late!